Camping / Hébergement

Le camping ouvre à 15h jeudi.
Ferme à 10h le lundi.
Des billets
Billets de camping disponibles ici
Plus de détails à venir.
Camping :
Hébergement / S'y rendre
Information à confirmer.
Strictly over 18’s ONLY
No fires or barbecues allowed
Strictly no glass
A wonderful and peaceful nights sleep is NOT guaranteed
Decisions by security and management are final – disputing decisions will result in ejection
Attempts to gain unauthorised access to the campsite will be seen as and reported to Gardai as attempted burglary
Any gross disturbance or interference with any fellow camper will result in ejection
No article that may be deemed a weapon can be brought onto the site. Any such article to be confiscated, Gardai to be notified and person to be refused admission
Anyone refused admission or ejected will be given NO MORE than five minutes to gather their possessions, less if deemed appropriate by security
All campers are expected to respect the natural environment and use the recycling and rubbish facilities provided and not cause a litter hazard. Gross breaches can and will result in ejection.
The use of Gazebos is not permitted.
You may bring Alcohol into the Campsite but it’s limited to 1x Case of Beer (24 Cans) or 1 Litre of Spirits. You may only bring in alcohol with your ticket once you are wrist banded it is no longer allowed .
"If you are ejected from campsite or indeed event site for any of the above reasons - your wrist band will be removed and you will not be admitted re entry"
Valid IDs accepted are Passport or Irish Drivers Licence - NOT garda age card
The Campervan and Caravan Areas are open from 16:00 on Thursday 20th June, and close on Monday 24th June at 10:00.
Purchasing a Campervan/Caravan ticket constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions between you and Sea Sessions Ltd are incorporated into and should be read together with the Sea Sessions Terms and Conditions of Entry.
As part of our terms and conditions we do not permit makeshift campervans/caravans on site at our events. Many won’t have sufficient ventilation, water or door separation, and the risk from the gas and fire is an obvious one. Campervans or caravans not meeting this criterion may be refused entry.
Definition of a Campervan / Caravan
1. There must be a door that provides access to the living accommodation.
2. It must be constructed to include living accommodation which contains at least the following equipment: • seats and a table • sleeping accommodation (which may be converted from the seats) • cooking facilities • storage facilities
Please note the following: -
• Unsuitable vehicles, including unconverted vans, with campervan / caravan tickets will not be allowed entry and will be sent to one of the festival car parks. Security patrols will not permit sleeping in any vehicles in these car parks.
• Trailer tents are permitted; however, a Campervan/Caravan Ticket must be purchased.
• There is NO water or electricity hook up available. There will be a water point and waste tank in the campsite for general use.
• All wastewater (grey waste) must be put in the containers provided. It is illegal to pour wastewater onto the ground, into a sump or into a stream.
• Campervan/Caravan ticket holders must use the toilets provided in the campsite and not pollute streams or hedges.
• Access to and use of the campervan/caravan area is provided subject to these terms and conditions (T&C’s) and the general terms and conditions of entry to the event. Purchasing a permit constitutes your acceptance of these T&C’S.
• Each person within the vehicle must have a valid weekend camping ticket and ONLY weekend camping ticket holders will be permitted into the campervan/caravan area.
o GENERAL CAMPERVAN/CARAVAN – only available with general weekend camping tickets.
• The Campervan/Caravan Pass is a supplementary ticket and is sold per vehicle.
o Campervan - The campervan ticket needs to be clearly displayed in the windscreen of your campervan.
o Caravan & Car – The mirror hanger needs to be clearly displayed in the car/towing vehicle and the other pass must be displayed in the window of the vehicle at all times. Both are required to be displayed to be valid.
• There are no campervan or caravan facilities for Day ticket holders.
• If you provide Sea Sessions Ltd with incorrect, incomplete or false information in relation to the purchase or use of a Campervan/Caravan pass for Sea Sessions, Sea Sessions Ltd reserves the right to cancel your Campervan/Caravan ticket.
• Travel directions will be available on the website closer to the event. Please follow signage and directions to Campervan site.
• Towing vehicles must remain with the caravans, not parked elsewhere.
• All vehicles other than towing vehicles must be parked in the car parks.
• No other vehicles will be allowed entry into the campervan/caravan area; this includes late replacement vehicles in the case of a breakdown vehicles cannot be towed into the campervan area.
• We do not accept campervans/caravans which have been driven down or sited by non-festivalgoers. This includes staff from hire companies, so please ensure you liaise with them to collect the vehicle off site first.
• No vehicles are to be parked in the fire lanes at any time.
• No tents or awnings may be erected in the campervan/caravan fields.
• The designated campervan/caravan area of the site is the only place where ticket holders can sleep in vehicles. We do not permit sleeping in cars anywhere.
• Only gas cylinders fitted within the campervan/caravan will be permitted. Cylinders should only be stored in the unit’s gas locker; and must be 7kg or less.
• Gas cylinders must always be transported and secured in a vertical position, as lying them down may cause liquid LPG to escape through the valve and become a large volume of combustible gas.
• With the exception of diesel generators fitted within the campervan, generators are not permitted in the campervan fields.
• Open fires are NOT permitted. The use of disposable BBQ’s, Gas BBQ's and cooking stoves is not permitted.
• The use of large garden type furniture such as chimineas; fire pits; large wood burning stoves or any other item that is deemed to pose a risk to the safety of you or other campers is not allowed at any time. We reserve the right to confiscate these items and/or refuse entry to the campervan/caravan area.
GENERAL • All vehicles will be checked on arrival to confirm that they are in compliance with these terms and conditions.
• Your vehicle may be searched on entry to the event site.
• The security staff will check for any items not permitted on site, as specified in the Terms & Conditions of Entry. Security staff will confiscate any such items and may refuse entry to the site. The discretion and decision of the security team will be final.
• All litter must be cleared and put into bins or recycling bins.
• Anyone resisting confiscation of disallowed items or disregarding the conditions set out in the Terms & Conditions of Entry and additionally the Campervan and Caravan conditions may face eviction.
• No trading of any kind is permitted from campervans/caravans.
• No sound systems are to be operated in the campervan/caravan fields. Anyone found operating such systems may be liable to eviction.
• Excessive amounts of alcohol, food and cigarettes i.e. more than for personal consumption is not permitted.
• No animals other than guide or hearing dogs are permitted on site.
• The campervan area must be clear by 11:00am on Monday 24th June. All remaining vehicles will be removed